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Selskapsrett / M&A

Våre advokater bistår jevnlig både industrielle og finansielle aktører i forbindelse med oppkjøp, fusjoner, virksomhetsoverdragelser og andre transaksjoner. Vi bistår alle typer bedrifter, børsnoterte selskaper, private equity og venture fond.

Vi er blant de større aktørene i Norge innen dette segmentet. Vårt M&A team bistår i alle ledd av transaksjonene, fra strategisk rådgivning i de innledende forhandlinger frem til signering og gjennomføring. Vi setter sammen et team som er tilpasset kompleksitet og arbeidsomfang, og håndterer alt fra tradisjonelle oppkjøp til de største og mest komplekse transaksjonene.

Våre advokater har lang erfaring med å yte selskapsrettslig bistand. Vi har erfaring fra alle selskapsformer som benyttes etter norsk rett, og bistanden knytter seg regelmessig til egenkapitaltransaksjoner, herunder fisjoner/fusjoner og kapitalendringer.

Selskapsretten har også internasjonale aspekter og vi har mange langvarige klientrelasjoner med internasjonale konsern. Dette har gitt oss god kompetanse på de særlige problemstillingene som oppstår ved utenlandsk datter- eller morselskap.

Our experience with the team at Kluge is that they are always up to date on what is happening in the market and what market conditions are to be regarded as “going rate”. They are constructive in the negotiation and always emphasise what is most effective and valuable for the client. Always right on point.

Legal 500, Commercial, Corporate / M&A, 2021
CMS European Energy Sector M&A and Investment Outlook 2024
As the world economy increasingly embraces the push towards decarbonisation, Europe has actively sought to place itself at the vanguard of the discussion on energy tran­sition. Op­port­u­nities to deploy capital abound as power sources switch further towards offshore and onshore wind, solar, heat, hydrogen, battery storage, new networks, carbon capture, and industrial decarbonisation. The latter brings an interface with other sectors such as technology companies (with power hungry data centres a particular focus), real estate, low carbon transport and decarbonisation of industrial processes such as cement, glass and steel production. As much as it is difficult, complex and highly political, the energy transition is also a huge business opportunity. To reach net zero by 2050, the International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that global investment in clean energy alone will need to increase from the USD390bn in the first half of 2023, to USD 1.3tn in 2030. Many commentators worried that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine would put back the transition and shift Europe back towards fossil fuels. While it appears to have resulted in a renewed political focus on energy security it has also laid bare the financial and political consequences of relying on oil & gas imports, giving further impetus to renewables as a secure form of energy. Europe has also sought to be a leading light on the concept of “reaching net zero”, with the European Union (EU) having set out its ambition, back in 2019, to become the world’s first major economic bloc to be climate-neutral by 2050. This has added momentum to energy investment and M&A over recent years – 2021 and 2022 saw the second and third highest annual aggregate values of Western European M&A in the sector on record, at USD 59.8bn and USD 53.7bn, respectively, bested only by the anomalously high total of USD 89.4bn logged in 2018. Energy M&A in the region has been more subdued in 2023, but our survey demonstrates that energy executives are gearing up for a more active dealmaking period, with most expecting more opportunities and anticipating increased levels of investment in the year ahead. Capital looks set to continue to flow primarily to renewable energy projects and related assets, with solar and batteries topping the list of attractive subsectors among our respondents. Consistent with this, South West Europe takes pole position as the most promising region for investment opportunities. But there are thorns among the roses. Our respondents are cognizant of the challenges in the energy market, with supply-chain volatility and commodity price increases emerging as a prominent concern. This is unsurprising after a period of dislocation following the pandemic and amid a time of rising global demand for renewable products and commodities. Persistent inflation and elevated interest rates, combined with an uncertain macroeconomic outlook, are raising investors’ concerns, with financing risk (including the increased cost of financing) also coming to the fore for respondents. Overall, while some sense a recent softening of the market due to these fundamentals, our survey paints a picture of steadily improving investor sentiment in Europe’s energy sector, laying the foundations for a busier period ahead for M&A activity.
Emerging Europe M&A Report 2022/2023
The year 2022 started with various challenges, including rising inflation and energy prices. Then the Russian invasion of Ukraine added yet another one. Nonetheless, the M&A market in emerging European countries proved to be extremely resilient. The region saw M&A activity maintain a steady pace, though deal values were notably lower. Also, variations could be observed across territories and sectors. While 2022 brought a unique set of challenges, dealmaking largely compared favourably to pre-pandemic levels. Welcome to the 2022/23 edition of the Emerging Europe report.
Boom & Gloom? CMS European M&A Outlook 2023
We are pleased to share with you the 2023 edition of the European M&A Outlook published by CMS in association with Mergermarket.


Webinar | CMS European M&A Study 2024
Join us for an insightful webinar discussing the latest findings from the CMS European M&A Study 2024!  Our webinar will have a distinct Nordic focus, featuring insights from CMS Kluge (Norway) and...
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The Emerging Europe 23/24 M&A report
CMS har publisert årets utgave av «The Emerging Europe M&A 23/24 Report” som gjennomgår de viktigste trendene- og frem­tids­ut­sik­te­ne i CEE M&A-markedet. Rapporten tar for seg trender og prognoser...
Nyhetsbrev: Garantirett
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Vi søker ad­vo­kat/ad­vo­kat­full­mek­tig – havbruk, skatt og transaksjoner
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Kurs | Virk­som­hets­over­dra­gel­ser
Trond Vegard Johannessen, assosiert partner i CMS Kluge, skal denne høsten sammen med Regnskap Norge avholde kurs for revisorer og regn­skaps­fø­re­re. Kurset blir avholdt i fire norske byer, og påmeldingen...
- Egen faglig utvikling og styrking av samarbeidet i CMS
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Oddleif Torvik tiltrer som partner
Vi har gleden av å ønske Oddleif Torvik velkommen som ny partner i CMS Kluge!Den 1. august tiltrådte Oddleif som partner i CMS Kluge. Oddleif er en erfaren skatteadvokat med praksis siden 2006, og hans...
Ny transaksjon for P/F Bakkafrost Farming: EUR 22,168,168 skips­fi­nan­sie­ring
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2023 CMS Private Equity Study
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Webinar | CMS European M&A Study 2023
The CMS European M&A Study 2023 provides information on current M&A trends. We ourselves find it incredibly useful to better understand positions taken (and that should be taken) by inbound and outbound...